On Wed, 03 Feb 2010 06:42:52 -0800, Paul Rubin wrote:

> One nice trick with static types is if you change
> what the method does (even if its type signature doesn't change), you
> can rename the method:
>    class.method2(string name, int count):  # change 'method' to
>    'method2'
> and recompile your codebase.  Every place in the code that called
> 'method' now gets a compile time "undefined method" error that you can
> examine to see if you need to update it.  This is something you can't
> catch with unit tests because the call sites can be in distant modules.

I don't understand why that won't work with unit tests. If you change the 
name of a method, surely your unit tests will now start failing with 


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