Masklinn wrote:
When trying to load the following config file, I get an error 
``ConfigParser.NoOptionError: No option 'handlers' in section: 'logger_0'`` (in 
both Python 2.6.4 and  Python 3.1.1 on OSX, obviously ConfigParser is spelled 
configparser in 3.1):


the goal is simply to have a logging level different on ``0`` than it is on 
``root``, but to get it I have to include a handler on ``0`` and stop 
propagation (or messages are displayed on both root and 0).

Do note that this behavior (of mandating handlers) does *not* happen when 
loggers are configured programmatically.

Should this be considered a bug? Worthy of opening a request on the tracker?

And while I'm at it, a few other oddities/annoyances I noticed in logging:

* have to specify the `root` logger in loggers/keys, even though it's mandatory 
to configure the root logger, or I get the following error::

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 6, in <module>
 line 82, in fileConfig
        _install_loggers(cp, handlers, disable_existing_loggers)
 line 183, in _install_loggers
    ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

* the ``args`` option is required when defining a handler, even in the example 
above where the handler doesn't take any argument (mandatory ones, anyway)

* Logger.log() doesn't take level names, only numerical levels, even after 
having called ``addLevelName``. This makes logging with custom levels much less 
clear as one has to write something along the lines of ``logging.log(100, 
'Houston, we have a problem')`` instead of the clearer 
``logging.log('PANTS_ON_FIRE', 'Houston, we have a problem')``. Note that since 
the introduction of _checkLevel fixing that is trivial:

To add a custom level, I would proceed that way:

logging.ALERT = 45
logging.addLevelName(logging.ALERT, 'ALERT !!')
logging.getLogger().log(logging.ALERT, 'test')

Passing a string to the log method as you did is incorrect.

Regarding your first point, I guess it's anti pattern. One way to do it:
1/ Configure the root logger with the lowest value 0, so the root logger does not filter any level.
2/ Configure each of your logger with the correct level

That way you can configure your '0' logger as you (badly :o)) named it with one level, and configure a potential '1' logger with another level. Don't bother with propagation. That way you won't need to duplicate your handlers on every logger.


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