> >The zip file essentially contains the whole system in on lump.
> >the system, and naturally your users will have to download the whole
> >lump again. [...]
> >
> but if it was just a dir, when they update from the svn at log in,
> they do is download the extra\changed files. much much quicker then
> downloading a 4 meg uncompressed zip file.

Not clear what you are really asking for, but maybe this will help.  I
have a application that is 95% normal code, packaged up via py2exe.
Other 5% is a few .py files in a separate directory, modified regularly
by the users (report specifications in some lists/dicts).  These files
are *excluded* from the py2exe build, and I manually add this directory
to sys.path during the application startup.  A change to one of the
spec files is picked up like any normal python session, and I don't
need to rebuild the entire app.  Could you do the same type of thing?



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