On Jan 29, 6:47 pm, Steve Holden <st...@holdenweb.com> wrote: > Andrej Mitrovic wrote: > > I've noticed that when running Python in interactive mode (via cmd on > > windows), the first time I hit tab it will move 4 spaces to the right, > > however each new tab will move 8 spaces instead of 4. Why this > > inconsistent behavior? And how could I change this to be consistent > > and always move only 4 spaces? > > The first tab you are starting four characters in due to the interpreter > already having printed ">>> ". > > regards > Steve > -- > Steve Holden +1 571 484 6266 +1 800 494 3119 > PyCon is coming! Atlanta, Feb 2010 http://us.pycon.org/ > Holden Web LLC http://www.holdenweb.com/ > UPCOMING EVENTS: http://holdenweb.eventbrite.com/
I see. I wonder if I could modify this behavior.. I guess I'll have to take a look at the source. Thanks anyway! -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list