Howdy all, Python 2.6 tells me that, in Python 3, sorting a list with entries of incompatible types is not allowed:
===== $ python2.5 -c "foo = [1, True, 'green', 4, -27, 15.3]; foo.sort(); print foo;" [-27, 1, True, 4, 15.300000000000001, 'green'] $ python2.6 -c "foo = [1, True, 'green', 4, -27, 15.3]; foo.sort(); print foo;" [-27, 1, True, 4, 15.300000000000001, 'green'] $ python2.6 -3 -c "foo = [1, True, 'green', 4, -27, 15.3]; foo.sort(); print foo;" -c:1: DeprecationWarning: comparing unequal types not supported in 3.x [-27, 1, True, 4, 15.300000000000001, 'green'] ===== So how should I be sorting a list with entries of “unequal types” such that it will work in Python 3? -- \ “The idea that He would take his attention away from the | `\ universe in order to give me a bicycle with three speeds is | _o__) just so unlikely that I can't go along with it.” —Quentin Crisp | Ben Finney --