Yingjie Lan wrote:
> We all know that Python is dynamically typed, and dynamically typed languages 
> are generally slower than statically typed ones. I wonder if it is possible 
> at all for Python to mix statically-typed-ness with dynamically-typed-ness to 
> boost up its speed a little bit, especially when speed is needed. For 
> example, you define a function like this:
> def speed(float dist, float time):
>     return dist/time
> then the compiler would generate code to first check parameter types (or even 
> do some casts if appropriate, say cast an int into float) in the beginning of 
> this function. and the rest of the function would then be compiled with the 
> assumption that 'dist' and 'time' are of the type float.
> Of course, dynamically-typed-ness is still the same as before. Python is well 
> known for providing multiple programming paradigms, I wonder if we could also 
> sneak this in nicely.
> Any thoughts?
Google for "Python function annotations": the features you want are
already there in the language specification.

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
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