> My company is looking at creating a tool to allow us to define and
> manage a process for each job we run (a typical job may be look on a
> customers ftp site for a file, download it, decrypt it and load it into
> our database). We would like something which would allow us to glue
> together various existing processes we currently use into a single unit
> with multiple steps. Along the way, this new routine would need to log
> its progress and be able to report and even handle errors. A coworker
> has suggested we look at Ant ("Another Neat Tool") and, though it looks
> promising, I have reservations. If I recall correctly, it was intended
> as a replacement for "Make" and I worry that we may be trying to force
> Ant to be something it is not. Also, most of our code base is in Python
> and I'd really like to stay that way, of possible.
> Are there any systems out there that will allow me to run multiple
> programs as one process? We could write our own, of course, and the
> Twisted package looks like it would be fun to use. Or, is Ant a viable
> solution to our problem?
> Your constructive comments would be appreciated
> Greg Lindstrom
> Novasys Health
> Little Rock, Arkansas
Take a look at fabric. It was designed for installation, but it might do
what you want.

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
PyCon is coming! Atlanta, Feb 2010
Holden Web LLC       

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