n00m wrote:
Your choice -- to ban building of muslim mosques -- is the only choice
to save our civililazation.
This yellow plague (incl. Chinese etc) must be eliminated from our
They are very cunning critters, they can play on strings of
but its riffraffs. What do you know about Russia? Who are yuo against
Nothing. Dust. We are simply tired people.

Actually, I am Swiss and I have to say that the vote does not represent Switzerland. In fact, a lot of people didn't vote because they were sure it would never pass. They just came out with an official analysis/statistics of the vote results and it shows that people with higher education voted against the ban, that Christians voted for the ban and atheists against it. Also, if you look at the outcome for each Canton (State), the rural ones voted for the ban and the metropolitan/cosmopolitan ones against it. What happened is basically what happened in Nazi Germany, a strong campaign for the masses and sadly
it worked.

I have several Russian friends and I have no idea what their view is on the subject. Russia has several Muslim ethnic groups and with most there seems to be no problem (I'm excluding
Chechnya, even thought the conflict is more about power than religion).


the views expressed in this email are solely mine and not in any way representative
of my company's views or ideologies.

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