Thanks for responding to my email.
I apologize for the remark about python only being developed for windows. I got 
the impression when I was looking at the ActivePython web site and saw that the 
version of python that they had available was not supported on very many unix 
systems. I should not make general statement based on only one web site. After 
reading your email I decided to see for myself what the issue was about 
compiling python on AIX 5.3.

This is the error I saw the first time I tried to use ctypes.

Python 2.4.3 (#1, Jul 17 2006, 20:00:23) [C] on aix5
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import ctypes
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
ImportError: No module named ctypes

This version of python was downloaded and installed from ActivePython and when 
I checked their webpage it states that ctypes is not available on AIX. 
I then figured I would get a new copy of python and install it on AIX. I 
downloaded python.2.5.5c2 from I did the configure and 
make which posted many errors in the ctypes function which I guess is the 
reason that is does not get include in the final make. 

an example of the build error I get when doing the make is:
xlc_r -q64 -DNDEBUG -O -I. 
de -Ibuild/temp.aix-5.3-2.5/libffi 
z030a/xferjunk/ots/python2.5/include -I. -IInclude -I./Include 
-I/s/users/cz030a/xferjunk/python/Python-2.5.5c2/Include -I/
s/users/cz030a/xferjunk/python/Python-2.5.5c2 -c 
/s/users/cz030a/xferjunk/python/Python-2.5.5c2/Modules/_ctypes/_ctypes.c -
line 2820.31: 1506-068 (W) Operation between ty
pes "void*" and "int(*)(void)" is not allowed.
line 3363.28: 1506-280 (W) Function argument as
signment between types "int(*)(void)" and "void*" is not allowed.
line 4768.67: 1506-280 (W) Function argument as
signment between types "void*" and "void*(*)(void*,const void*,unsigned long)" 
is not allowed.
line 4769.66: 1506-280 (W) Function argument as
signment between types "void*" and "void*(*)(void*,int,unsigned long)" is not 

I do not have sufficient knowledge to know how to fix this. I would think that 
this error somehow is related to compiling on aix. If you have any suggestions 
on how to correct this problem , I would appreciate it

Jim Waddle 

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Chris Rebert
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:31 AM
To: Waddle, Jim
Subject: Re: ctypes for AIX

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 5:54 AM, Waddle, Jim <> wrote:
> I need to use ctypes with python running on AIX.

According to the ctypes readme, ctypes is based on libffi, which
according to its website, supports AIX for PowerPC64.
So, perhaps you could state what the actual error or problem you're
encountering is?
It is theoretically possible the ctypes-bundled libffi is either
outdated or had the AIX-specific bits removed; I don't know, I'm not a
CPython dev.

> It appears that python is being developed mostly for windows.

No, not really; your statement is especially ironic considering one of
Python's primary areas of use is for web applications as part of a
LAMP stack.

> Is there a policy concerning getting functions like ctypes working on AIX.

No idea. Someone will probably chime in though.


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