bartc wrote: > > "Nobody" <> wrote in message > >> On Fri, 15 Jan 2010 10:42:43 -0800, W. eWatson wrote: >> >>> I thought I'd put a page break, chr(12), character in a txt file I wrote >>> to skip to the top of the page. It doesn't work. Comments? >> >> The 1970's are over, and neither Notepad nor your printer attempts to >> maintain compatibility with a Teletype model 37. > > Odd that TXT files under Windows still use the same 13 (carriage > return), 10 (linefeed) and 9 (tab) codes that used to work on my ASR 33. > So why not code 12 (formfeed)? > Because the KSR/ASR33 devices were designed for continuous output in things like torn-tape and torn-paper messaging systems (where I believe Cable and Wireless made a lot of money once upon a time). There was no point paginating the copy, and to do so would have been wasteful. An operator would just hit CRLF a few times (in fact a good operator would only return the carriage once at the start, and then just hit the requisite number of line feeds.
regards Steve -- Steve Holden +1 571 484 6266 +1 800 494 3119 PyCon is coming! Atlanta, Feb 2010 Holden Web LLC UPCOMING EVENTS: --