Robert Kern wrote:
On 2010-01-12 05:59 AM, Anthra Norell wrote:
Robert Kern wrote:
On 2010-01-11 14:09 PM, Anthra Norell wrote:
Robert Kern wrote:
On 2010-01-09 03:52 AM, Anthra Norell wrote:
Upon which another critic
conjured up the horror vision of gigahertzes hacking my pathetic
effort to pieces as I was reading his message. Of the well-meaning
he urged me to put an immediate stop to this foolishness. I didn't.
No unplanned expenditures ensued.
That's because comp.lang.python is not full of thieves, not because
your algorithm is worth a damn.
You're right about the thieves. You have a point about my algorithm,
although you might express it in a fashion that lives up to its
My algorithm would not resist a brute-force attack that iterates
all possible keys and analyzes the outcome for non-randomness. I knew
that then and so I posted a second-level encryption, that is, an
encryption of an encryption. Thus the brute-force attack wouldn't find
anything non-random. By not disclosing the detail I may have breached
some formal rule of the craft.
So, you're saying that you lied about the encryption algorithm used in
your challenge. USENET has no (or very few) formal rules for you to
breach, but lying certainly isn't ethical behavior. Honestly, it's
okay to not be a good cryptographer. I'm not. But it is very much not
okay to be a liar.
I am not a bad cryptographer. I am not a cryptographer. A liar? Your
judgment is evidence of a commendable broad-mindedness that complements
computer science with psychology, even ethics, as fields of interest.
Yes, being ethical is an interest of mine. It should be yours, too.
Isn't it unfortunate that Robert Kern the ethicist takes the stage with
a contribution totally irrelevant on this forum, let alone to the OP's
question, and thus crowds out Robert Kern the cryptographer who could
comment on a much more relevant matter, namely my--possibly rash, so
what?--conjecture that any brute-force key-guessing attack can be foiled
by stacking a number of encryptions sufficient to keep the fastest super
computer busy until the sun goes out five billion years from now. It
doesn't take all that many. The way I understand it the encoding time,
the keyed decoding time and the size of the key data grow linearly with
the number of encryption levels, whereas the brute-force-decoding time
grows exponentially. Right?
This is uncontroversial. It is one reason why the DES algorithm was
repeated thrice to make the algorithm 3DES. However, it is not
especially relevant. The point is that you are claiming this group's
nonresponse to your challenge as evidence that it is strong. What's
more, it turns out that you lied about the algorithm you used in the
challenge. That undermines your claim drastically. Since your claim is
targeted at convincing the OP to choose your algorithm over other
choices that are better in every way, refuting your claim is
necessarily on-topic. I didn't want to discredit you by calling you a
liar, but you exposed yourself as one.
However, brute force key searching isn't why we think your algorithm
is weak (or rather, the low key size from your originally stated
algorithm was one reason, but it was hardly the most striking reason).
You are using a linear random number generator in a mode that is
susceptible to a number of standard attacks. It fails to have a number
of properties that are necessary in an encryption system. One can
break your algorithm with less computation than is necessary for brute
force search. Repeating the algorithm many times will not increase the
time necessary to break your repeated algorithm exponentially.
It is important that the OP understands this, and that your claims do
not go unchallenged.
I finally would point out that my proposals have always been attempts to
solve the posted problem, no less, no more. I therefore consider any
criticism to miss the point if it judges the proposal by criteria that
transcend the posted problem. You'll recall that the problem is now, and
was then, a simple encryption scheme for private use. Private use
excludes malicious attacks and so immunity against them is not an
applicable quality criterion.
Encryption is *always* about preventing malicious attacks. If you had
called your algorithm a "no-security obfuscation algorithm", I
wouldn't have much problem with it (although a real encryption
algorithm like is also strictly better for obfuscation, too). I
do have a problem with people claiming "unbreakable encryption" when
it has been demonstrated to be false.
Words have meanings, and your words claim far too much. It's possible
that you do not mean to claim so much, but you would then need to
change your language. The reason that this is so important is that the
OP necessarily cannot give you all of the information about his use
case in a short post to comp.lang.python. How do you know that he
won't be subject to malicious attacks? You cannot make this judgment
for him. But you can describe your algorithm correctly. Calling an
algorithm an "unbroken encryption algorithm" (let's ignore your claim
of "unbreakable" for now) means a whole bunch of things, the most
important of which is that attacks on the algorithm don't take less
time than searching the entire key space.
If the OP uses a real encryption algorithm, he can rely on the fact
that he can use the algorithm for large files or for plaintexts that a
malicious agent might choose even if he did not communicate (or even
know about!) those needs at the time. He cannot rely on those features
with your algorithm, but you do not reveal those limitations of your
algorithm. You simply assumed that the OP could deal with those
limitations, and that does him a disservice.
let's stop this nonsense. If you don't, I certainly will. You take me
to the task for intentions you invent for the purpose, like claiming
this or that. I don't claim anything, least of all the supremacy of my
proposal. The idea of it! If someone else makes a better proposal I'd be
the idiot you crave to make me look if I denied the fact. This is an
interest group, not a religion with a clergy devoted to keeping heresies
at bay. In my perception of an interest group, everyone's contribution
is welcome and the common benefit results from the discussions of those
contributions, absolutely none of which comes with a warranty, as
absolutely no poster deems himself infallible and no OP expects it. Your
accusation I was abusing the confidence of an OP by representing a sham
as the ultimate solution is so utterly ludicrous that I can let it pass
and that concludes the matter as far as I am concerned.