webmas...@holdenweb.com wrote:
> The following message was received via the web site.
> From:       rahul sharma
> Email:      [see headers]
> Subject:    Session variable passed in other script
> Telephone:  
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> hello sir
> i have some doubt regarding session management in python, i had
> search many times but no useful data found on internet,is there
> any API or function which i used for session,
> i want to wrapper class for my script,suppose if i get
> authenticated by useid and password then my result stored in
> session and whenever user execute other script check session of
> the user through session variable result.
> what should i do and give me some useful guidence.
> Thanks
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
You do not give sufficient context for me to give a useful answer, and
in any case your question would be better directed to
python-list@python.org, where it would not rely on the kindness and
availability of a single individual. I have taken the liberty of posting
this reply to that list.

Since you talk about session management I assume you plan to make this
script available on the web? In that case the usual (though not the
only) mechanism for establishing session state is to have the server
issue a cookie with a distinct value to each different client, and then
to associate a specific set of session data with the value submitted by
the client.

If you already know this, then it comes down to the specifics of the web
framework you are using. Since you do not give that information it is
not possible to be more precise.

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
PyCon is coming! Atlanta, Feb 2010  http://us.pycon.org/
Holden Web LLC                 http://www.holdenweb.com/
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