On Friday 06 May 2005 10:29 am, Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> Mike Meyer wrote:
> > Without platform information, it's hard to say. On a modern Unix
> > system, you only run into system resource limits when the system is
> > heavily loaded. Otherwise, you're going to hit per-process limits. In
> > the latter case, adding RAM or swap won't help at all. Raising the
> > per-process limits is the solution.
> does Mac OS X ship with memory limits set by default?  isn't that
> a single-user system?
> </F>

Dear original poster or whoever is interested in OS X:

OS X is not a single user system. It is BSD based unix. And its [EMAIL 
sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet! (Though I'm using only Linux right now :o/

If configurable memory limits are a problem and if running python from the 
shell, do:

% unlimit

You can also change this in your .cshrc, .tcshrc, .bashrc, .k[whatever for 
korn], etc. if you run a custom shell.

Your shell settings for each user are in NetInfo Manager.

If you are completely clueless as to what the hell I'm talking about, then 
stop and try this:

1. start a Terminal
2. type this at the prompt:

% echo unlimit >> .bashrc

3. Quit that terminal.
4. Start a new terminal.
5. Start python and make your list.

Hope it works.


James Stroud
UCLA-DOE Institute for Genomics and Proteomics
Box 951570
Los Angeles, CA 90095


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