John Posner wrote:
On Fri, 01 Jan 2010 21:01:04 -0500, Cousin Stanley <> wrote:


    I was not familiar with the re.finditer method
    for searching strings ...

Stanley and Dave --

So far, we've just been using finditer() to perform standard-string searches (e.g. on the word "red"). Since Dave now wants to color multiple words the same color (e.g. the words in redList), we can use a single regular-expression search to locate *all* the words in a list. This eliminates the need to use a "for" loop to handle the list. Here's what I mean:

 >>> import re
 >>> s = "it is neither red nor crimson, but scarlet, you see"

########## individual searches

 >>> [matchobj.span() for matchobj in re.finditer("red", s)]
 [(14, 17)]
 >>> [matchobj.span() for matchobj in re.finditer("crimson", s)]
 [(22, 29)]
 >>> [matchobj.span() for matchobj in re.finditer("scarlet", s)]
 [(35, 42)]

########## one "swell foop"

 >>> redList = "red crimson scarlet".split()
 >>> redList_regexp = "|".join(redList)
 >>> redList_regexp
 >>> [matchobj.span() for matchobj in re.finditer(redList_regexp, s)]
 [(14, 17), (22, 29), (35, 42)]

Thanks again John,
This is fun!!!
I made a "red.text" file to hold the "red words", they are separated by a space in the file. Still need to add the extra parameter "color" someplace. But this is what I have so far.
file = 'red.txt'
file = open("red.txt","r")
rList = file.readlines()
redList = str(rList).split()
blueList = "blue ball".split()
greenList = "green grass".split()
def get_complete_text(event):
   complete_text = Tbox.get("1.0", END)
   Tbox.tag_remove("red", "1.0", END)
   Tbox.tag_remove("blue", "1.0", END)
   Tbox.tag_remove("green", "1.0", END)
   redList_regexp = "|".join(redList)
   for matchobj in re.finditer(redList_regexp, complete_text):
       start,end = matchobj.span()
       Tbox.tag_add("red", "1.0 + %d chars" % start,"1.0 + %d chars" % end)
   Tbox.tag_config("red", foreground="red")
   blueList_regexp = "|".join(blueList)
   for matchobj in re.finditer(blueList_regexp, complete_text):
       start,end = matchobj.span()
Tbox.tag_add("blue", "1.0 + %d chars" % start,"1.0 + %d chars" % end)
   Tbox.tag_config("blue", foreground="blue")
   greenList_regexp = "|".join(greenList)
   for matchobj in re.finditer(greenList_regexp, complete_text):
       start,end = matchobj.span()
Tbox.tag_add("green", "1.0 + %d chars" % start,"1.0 + %d chars" % end)
   Tbox.tag_config("green", foreground="green")

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