On Jan 1, 6:04 am, Krishnakant <hackin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 2010-01-01 at 03:25 -0800, J Peyret wrote:
> > On Dec 31 2009, 2:06 pm, Steve Howell <showel...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > > FYI:
> > >http://twitter.com/gvanrossum
> > > Python is a truly awesome programming language.  Not only is Guido a
> > > genius language designer, but he is also a great project leader.  What
> > > an accomplishment.  Congratulations to everybody who has contributed
> > > to Python in the last two decades!
> > Notwithstanding all of the above, which are all true, having met
> > Guido, I say he is a genuinely nice human being.  Go BSD derivatives.
> Indeed,
> python is a great programming language.
> May be it was not marketted as much as languages like java or not as
> much as platforms like rails.
> But who cares?  I must mention here that I am totally blind and the
> talking software (screen reader ) I use on GNU/Linux called Orca is also
> programmed using python.
> And I make web applications and off late started to use pylons (  again
> centered around python).
> I see that python is for 2 kind of programmers.
> one which are absolute beginners to programming itself who want to learn
> the scientific art of programming and the second is the extreme experts
> who need the power and performance nicely balanced.
> Great work!
> happy hfacking.
> Krishnakant.

That's incredible.

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