On 12/27/2009 4:53 PM, Bearophile wrote:
- frozenDict

perhaps we could extend namedtuple to become the "frozenDict"

- persistentList, persistentDict

aren't they database? Am I missing something here?

Regarding the standard library of Python 3, it's easy enough to create
for mistake a module and have it collide with an equally named module
of the std lib. To avoid this I think (after seeing the std lib of the
D language) it can be useful to put all modules of the standard
library into a namespace, like "py" or "std" or something like that.

if it were to happen, it would take python 4 or python 5 and the idea's runner must beat Guido down from his throne first... I think... not that they weren't a good idea... and other python implementations might want their own namespace as well to contain implementation specific modules (imagine "ipy", "cy", "us", "aspn", etc popping up here and there).

So you write:

import py.math
from py.math import sin

x = py.math.cos(1.2)
y = sin(1.2)



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