from logging import Formatter
class RootFormatter(Formatter):
class ModuleFormatter(Formatter):
class ClassFormatter(Formatter):
class DataFormatter(Formatter):
(and an empty ./of/__init__.py) your initial script runs without error. If
you want external help please
(1) make sure that you provide all necessary files needed to reproduce the
(2) remove as much of the code as possible that does not contribute to the
problem. (This is also an effective debugging technique)
(1), (2): That is sometimes easier said than done, especially if you
still lack experience in a given language. You are right, though, my
request lacked precision, sorry for the noise !
Your answer helped me to find the problem:
given the minimal files above, in my logging.cfg file , I specified:
format=%(levelname)s %(name)s %(message)s
# does not work:
class = of.logger.RootFormatter
based on my misunderstanding, that the path to the RootFormatter could
be specfied as a normal python class defined in a package.module .
It seems that I have to say instead:
# works:
class = logger.RootFormatter
This was somehow unexpected for me, since in a module using logger.py, I
could use either import:
from mylogger import logger # without package name
from of.mylogger import logger # with package name
but this does not seem to work for the class specification in the config
file (only the former works).
Again, thanks a lot !