On 12/17/2009 2:14 AM, Donn wrote:
On Wednesday 16 December 2009 07:03:19 David Roberts wrote:
It involves scaling an image to various resolutions, and partitioning
them into fixed-size tiles. It's roughly the same technique used by
Google Maps/Earth.
Thanks. That gives me something to go on. Wikipedia didn't like my search
ZUIs are useful for particular types of data - images& mapping
especially - but I'd hate to have to navigate my desktop using its
Ever since Corel Draw in the 90's zoomed into my life I have been in love with
the idea of an endless canvas that makes me feel like a satellite on a bungee
cord. I think it would fit the desktop very well.
Personally I see a merging of normal app windows and a zui: some kind of new
window manager.
The original idea, perhaps, was from Jef Raskin in The Human Interface.
Wikipedia has articles on both. His idea was for a document rather than
app centric plain. Not clear how one would pipe data from app to app in
his model, though.