Dani wrote:
Is it correct that low-level file handles are not being closed after

  fd = open(filepath)

no, you are not correct.


Cmd window #1:

c:\temp> echo hello world > x.txt

Cmd window #2

c:\temp> python
Python 2.4.3 (#69, Mar 29 2006, 17:35:34) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> f = file('x.txt')
>>> f.close()
>>> # remaining in an open python session

back to Cmd window #1
C:\temp> del x.txt
C:\temp> rem note...no error here.
C:\temp> exit

back to Cmd window #2
>>> # quit python
>>> ^Z
C:\temp> exit

If so, what is the rationale?

it's not because there is no good rationale for wanting that behavior :) The above was performed on XP (SP2 & SP3) with no issues. I can't guarantee that MS hasn't borked something in Vista or Win7, but if they did, that's *their* issue, not Python's.

This seems to result in system errors when trying to (re-)move or
reopen "closed" files, as well as when opening (and closing) too many
files under Windows.

As always, check your own code/environment before assuming the problem is with Python. In all likelihood, you had the file open in another window/process and didn't remember. Perhaps some background indexing process happened to hold the file open for a brief spell?



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