Peter Otten wrote: > Matthew Thorley wrote: > > >>Esben Pedersen wrote: >> >>>Matthew Thorley wrote: >>> >>> >>>>I'm writing a web app whereby a user uploads a tar acrhive which is then >>>>opened and processed. My web form reads the file like this: >>>> >>>>while 1: >>>> data = * 8) # Read blocks of 8KB at a time >>>> if not data: break >>>> >>>>which leaves me with data as a string obj. The problem that I have is >>>>that the function that processes the archive expects a file object. So >>>>far the only solution I have found it to write the file to disk and then >>>>read it back. >>>> >>>>Is there an easy way to convert data, in the example above into a file >>>>object? >>>> >>>>Thanks >>>>-Matthew >>> >>> >>>value.file is a file object. Why don't you give that as an argument? >>> >>>/Esben >> >>Ok I tried that but I still get this error. Any clue what I need to do? >> >>AttributeError: 'file' object has no attribute 'rfind' > > > str has an rfind() method while file has not: > > >>>>file.rfind > > Traceback (most recent call last): > File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? > AttributeError: type object 'file' has no attribute 'rfind' > >>>>str.rfind > > <method 'rfind' of 'str' objects> > > So "the function" seems to expect a string rather than a file. Or perhaps > there's an (evil) isinstance(param, file) check somewhere that triggers > param to be treated as a filename. Absent further information, only you can > find out. > > Peter
Ok you're right. expects a string; the path to the file open. I thought that I had tried it with open file objects but I guess I was mistaken. Thanks all for the help -Matthew --