* Alf P. Steinbach:
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<url: http://preview.tinyurl.com/ProgrammingBookP3>
The new stuff, section 2.7, is about programs as simulations and
handling data, focusing on modeling things. It includes some Python GUI
programming. The plan is to discuss containers like lists and
dictionaries in perhaps two more subsections of 2.7, but I'm not quite
sure about how to approach that or exactly how much to cover, since the
intent of ch 2 is to introduce mostly general concepts and enable the
reader to try out (more or less) interesting things.
- Alf
PS: comments welcome!
Well, I posted the current doc. It has a not yet quite complete section 2.7.7
about arrays, and that will be the last subsection of the chapter. I thought
using the Josephus circle problem as example was pretty neat... :-)
But anyway, comments welcome, even if that last section's not yet finished.
- Alf
PS: Oh, I changed the manuscript title to "Intelligent Person's Intro to
Programming" -- is that good?