Jeff Epler wrote:
> Are there only a few, unchanging templates?  If so, (dynamiclly)
> a function for each template.  This will be nearly the fastest you
> go in Python, excluding the time to create and byte-compile the
> function.
> # This code is in the public domain
> def make_nesting_expression(l, s):
>     result = []
>     for c in l:
>         if isinstance(c, list):
>             sub, s = make_nesting_expression(c, s)
>             result.append(sub)
>         else:
>             result.append("l[%d]" % s)
>             s += 1
>     print "make_nesting_expression", l, result
>     return "[" + ",".join(result) + "]", s
> def make_nesting_function(l):
>     return eval("lambda l: %s" % make_nesting_expression(l, 0)[0])
> t = [['a1','a2'],['b1'],['c1'],['d1']]
> l = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
> f = make_nesting_function(t)
> print f(l)
> Jeff

Nice approach! Though I'm wondering, because the "template" is so close
to the function you're trying to create, why not just create the
function directly? As in:

>>> f5 = lambda p: (p[0:2], p[2], p[3], p[4])
>>> f5(('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'))
(('a', 'b'), 'c', 'd', 'e')

Or if you need to be able to remember what the template looks like
(e.g. reading/writing it as a string in a file), you can always create
the function by evaluating a (properly constructed) template string:

>>> f5 = eval("lambda p: (p[0:2], p[2], p[3], p[4])")
>>> f5(('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'))
(('a', 'b'), 'c', 'd', 'e')

If you want to avoid lambdas, the same ideas can be used with short
defs, e.g.:
def f5(p): return (p[0:2], p[2], p[3], p[4])

Incidentally, these solutions raise an IndexError if your list is too
short, and silently drop the end of a list that's too long.

That's my keep-it-simple-I-might-understand-it approach.



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