I looked in the browsable svn repo for parallel python at

1) OverflowError: long int too large to convert to int

This is a bug in their code (comments are mine) in pytransport.py:

size_packed = self.r.read(struct.calcsize("!Q"))  # reads in 8-
character string
msg_len = struct.unpack("!Q", size_packed)[0]     # unpacks to a long
value, e.g. "12345678" -> 3544952156018063160L
msg = self.r.read(msg_len)                        #
3544952156018063160L is too long for file.read, which I presume must
be able to cast as an int

As an example:
>>> sys.stdin.read(3544952156018063160L)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
OverflowError: long int too large to convert to int

2) UnboundLocalError: local variable 'sresult' referenced before

This is another bug in their code. This is an error in pp.py (again,
comments are mine, some code omitted for brevity):

  # ...snip...
  sresult = worker.t.receive()   # sets sresult
  if self.__exiting:
    # at this point, __run doesn't return, but sresult was not defined
since the
    # execution was unwound because, presumable, the first fatal you
got, the OverflowError
# ...snip...
job.finalize(sresult)  # UnboundLocalError here from missing sresult

You can submit these as a bug report to the author if you want - feel
free to copy-paste or link to this post :-)

- zeph

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