Victor Subervi wrote:
On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 10:54 AM, Carsten Haese <
<>> wrote:
Victor Subervi wrote:
> Hi;
> I'm using MySQLdb. If I do a
> cursor.execute('describe myTable;')
> it gives me all sorts of data but not my default values.
That function call doesn't "give" any data at all, except for the
rowcount (which would be the number of columns in the table).
cursor.execute('describe %s;' % store)
storeDescription = cursor.fetchall()
print storeDescription
Prints out this:
(('ID', 'tinyint(5) unsigned', 'NO', 'PRI', None, 'auto_increment'),
('SKU', 'varchar(40)', 'NO', 'UNI', None, ''), ('Category',
'varchar(40)', 'YES', '', None, ''), ('Name', 'varchar(50)', 'NO', '',
None, ''), ('Title', 'varchar(100)', 'NO', '', None, ''),
('Description', 'mediumtext', 'NO', '', None, ''), ('Price',
'float(8,2)', 'YES', '', None, ''), ('SortFactor', 'int(4)', 'YES', '',
'500', ''), ('Availability', 'tinyint(1)', 'NO', '', None, ''),
('ShipFlatFee', 'float(5,2)', 'NO', '', '10.00', ''),
('ShipPercentPrice', 'tinyint(2) unsigned', 'NO', '', '5', ''),
('ShipPercentWeight', 'tinyint(2) unsigned', 'NO', '', '2', ''),
('Associations', 'varchar(40)', 'NO', '', None, ''), ('TempPrice',
'float(7,2)', 'NO', '', None, ''), ('LastDatePrice', 'date', 'NO', '',
None, ''), ('Weight', 'float(7,2)', 'NO', '', None, ''), ('Metal',
"enum('14k gold','18k gold','white
gold','silver','tungsten','titanium')", 'NO', '', None, ''),
('PercentMetal', 'tinyint(2) unsigned', 'NO', '', None, ''), ('pic1',
'blob', 'YES', '', None, ''), ('pic2', 'blob', 'YES', '', None, ''),
'YES', '', None, ''), ('colorsShadesNumbersShort',
'YES', '', None, ''))
In my version of MySQL, he default value is in the fifth column of the
result set.
Nice. As you can see, I only get 4 columns by default. How do I get the
That's strange, I count 6!
For example, the first field has the following columns:
1. 'ID'
2. 'tinyint(5) unsigned'
3. 'NO'
4. 'PRI'
5. None
6. 'auto_increment'