En Fri, 11 Dec 2009 19:11:38 -0300, Sancar Saran <sancar.sa...@evodot.com> escribió:

In php we had print_r function to see entire array structure. After some
search I found some equal module named pprint.

And some how this module wont work with mod_wsgi it was something about
mod_wsgi portability standards.

After some research there where some thing about putting some variables in
apache config to disable this.

And now I can see some dictionary structure in my apache log and I got some
errors like
r += pprint.pprint(self.data)
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects

The pprint function in the pprint module (that is, pprint.pprint) *prints* its argument, and returns nothing -- or, better said, it returns None (same as print_r in PHP, without the return parameter set to true)

So is there any way to get dictionary structure in string format ?

You don't need anything special for that. There are two built-in functions that convert any object to string: str and repr. str(x) provides a simple representation of x (whatever it is), and repr(x) provides a more technical view; when possible, eval(repr(x)) should return x.
For debugging purposes, repr() is your friend.
pprint.pformat is like the built-in repr(), but provides a better formatted representation, with indenting, a maximum width, etc.

Another question is. When I import a module from top is it available for later
imported modules

Each module contains its own, separate namespace. If you `import foo` in some module, the name `foo` becomes available to be used in that module -- if you want to use `foo` in another module, you have to `import foo` in that other module too.

Don't worry; after the very first import (which involves locating the module, loading and compiling it if necesary, and writing the .pyc file) any subsequent imports of the same module just return a new reference to the existing, in-memory module object.

Gabriel Genellina


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