Wolfgang Keller wrote:

> Hello,
> I will re-precise my question:
> Has anyone ever implemented a script in Python that generates
> documentation (especially diagrams, in a format such as e.g. Dia, Inkscape
> SVG or Tikz) for a PostgreSQL database either from an SQL script or by
> connecting to the database?

I've written a schemadiff-tool for postgres based on SQLAlchemy reflection,
which is a branch of SQLAlchemy and which should become part of the
upcoming SA 0.6.


It allows you to extract information about the schema of the DB. This could
be the foundation of your tool.

> Postgresql_autodoc is unfortunately written in Perl. >;->
> TIA,
> And, btw., please respect my .sig,

Which is supposed to mean what? Never heard the term courtesy copy.


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