ANNOUNCING WHIFF [WSGI HTTP Integrated Filesystem Frames] release 0.7 WHIFF INDEX PAGE:
The new release adds many new features, including - Google app engine support with tutorial: - jQueryUI interactive widget support with tutorial: - Internationalization tutorial: - "no install" test drive: Also the WHIFF documentation is now hosted on Google App Engine at the domain. What is WHIFF? WHIFF is a collection of support services for WSGI/Python web applications which allows applications to be composed by "dropping" dynamic pages into container directories. This mode of development will be familiar to developers who have created PHP applications, vanilla CGI scripts, Apache/modpy Publisher applications, JSP pages, or static web content. The WHIFF implementation significantly generalizes the "drop in" paradigm to support WSGI middleware components and application fragments as well as stand-alone pages. WHIFF provides other services in addition to supporting "drop in" components, such as managed application resources. WHIFF requires Python 2.5 or better to run out-of-the-box. Unless significant problems appear in the next month or so I think this release will be the last beta release and the next release will add a couple more features to become WHIFF 1.0. For more fun please have a look at my community list/tree maker at which is inspired by Guido van Rossum's excellent faqwiz. ListTree is implemented on Google App Engine using WHIFF. I hope you like. -- Aaron Watters === Talk low. Talk slow. And don't say a lot. -- John Wayne's advice to Clint Eastwood --