On 2009-12-08, Martin P. Hellwig <martin.hell...@dcuktec.org> wrote:
> Lie Ryan wrote:
>> The only thing that package managers couldn't provide is for the 
>> extremist bleeding edge; those that want the latest and the greatest in 
>> the first few seconds the developers releases them. The majority of 
>> users don't fall into that category, most users are willing to wait a 
>> few weeks to let all the just-released bugs sorted out and wait till the 
>> package (and their dependencies) stabilize.
> Well you majority of your users still fall into my category of minority, 
> as most of my paid support clients use windows,

Does windows even _have_ a library dependancy system that lets
an application specify which versions of which libraries it

> although I use Ubuntu as my main developer machine.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! My life is a patio
                                  at               of fun!

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