George Sakkis wrote: > Bruno Desthuilliers wrote: > >>JZ a Ãcrit : >> >>>Probuje zainstalowac modul php pod zope i tam napisali dziwna rzecz > > ze > >>>potrzebuje "PHP CGI program" a nie PHP CLI. Kompilacja php 5.0.4 > > pod > >>>linuksem daje mi w wyniku mod_php + 5 plikow binarnych: pear, php, >>>php-config, phpextdist, phpsize. Zas lektura skryptu do zope jest > > nizbyt > >>>jasna. Napisali: >>> >> >>(snip) >>DÃsolÃ, ce groupe est anglophone, il serait donc trÃs probablement > > >>prÃfÃrable (en tous cas pour toi, et si bien sÃr tu espÃres une > > rÃponse, > >>mais sinon je ne vois pas l'intÃrÃt de poster ici...) de nous > > renvoyer > >>Ãa en anglais dans le texte !-) >> >>I-too-can-speak-weird-foreign-languages-ly'yrs >>Bruno > > > ÎÏÎ Î ÎÏÏÏÎÎÏÎ ÎÎÏÎÏÏÎÏÎ ÏÎÏÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÏÎ > ÎÎÏÎÎÎÏ ÏÏÎÎÎÎ, Î ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎ ÏÎÏÎÎÎÎÎÎ > ÎÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ Î ÎÏÏÏÏÏÏ Î ÎÏÎÎÏ ÏÏÏÏÎÏ > ÎÏÎÎÎÎÎÏÎÎÎÏ ÏÏÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÏÏÎ... > > If-this-is-all-greek-to-you-you're-right-ly'yrs > George I don't find this two replies funy :-(. I think it is impolite to make fun of the OP. You could say: "The official language is english" or something like that. And if somebody knows the language he speaks, then a pointer to an appropiate list would be usefull.
Best regards, Josef --