On Wed, 02 Dec 2009 10:55:23 -0500, Mark Summerfield <l...@qtrac.plus.com>
On Dec 1, 2:03 pm, Mark Summerfield <l...@qtrac.plus.com> wrote:
I've produced a 4 page document that provides a very concise summary
of Python 2<->3 differences plus the most commonly used new Python 3
features. It is aimed at existing Python 2 programmers who want to
start writing Python 3 programs and want to use Python 3 idioms rather
than those from Python 2 where the idioms differ.
Mark, I add my thanks to those of the other responders. If you find space,
you might consider adding another str.format() feature:
Goal: place integer 456 flush-right in a field of width 8
Py2: "%%%dd" % 8 % 456
Py3: "{0:{1}d}".format(456, 8)
With str.format(), you don't need to nest one formatting operation within
another. A little less mind-bending, and every little bit helps!