> By the way, what is 'rb' and 'wb' ?

Read Binary, Write Binary
In Win32 the default is text mode which
will screw up binary files

> Also, when I create a client/server sockets I do something like...
> -----------
> server.bind(('', 4321))
> (sock, addr) = server.accept()
> x = server.recv(1024)
> ------------
> client.connect(('localhost', 4321))
> x = open("abc.txt", "rb")
> client.send(x)
> client.close()
> x.close()
> ...when I do this I get a constant beeping on my PC, any idea why?
> Also, on the server ...how can I set that up so I can receive a
> file/data of unknown size instead of just 1024?

1024 is just the buffer size.  You need to recv in a loop
until the len(x) is 0.  You need to do a little reading on sockets.

Beeping I've no idea.  Perhaps packets not handled????


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