Joel Davis wrote:
I hate to post such a simple Q and A here, but I seriously can't find
it anywhere. Python (unsure of starting with which version) enables
the remainder of the tuple to be placed in a "catch-all", for example:
myTuple = (1,2,3,4)
varOne, varTwo, *remaindingTuple = myTuple.
where the values left unpacked get thrown into a tuple referenced to
by "remaindingTuple" I included the asterix because it seems like I
remember that being the operator that specifying the tuple's dumping
ground. Which brings me to my two questions: 1) what's the syntax for
this operation 2) what version does it start with?
1) Syntax is just as you have it.
(Not including the period you have at the end.)
2) Python 3.0
Gary Herron