Dear all, I have written a Python script that runs on Windows XP with Python 2.5 and uses Internet Explorer to 'pretty print' some HTML output. This has been working perfectly fine for a few years until recently IE was upgraded to version 8. Now occasionally Python throws an error that originates from the win32com.client.Dispatch() method and has description 'OLE error 0x800704a6'. (Occasionally means that sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. I haven't been able to figure out what the trigger exactly is.) The most recent version of win32com is installed. Google on the error code didn't give me a lot of hits, and no useful ones.
So, I was hoping somebody might be able to give me some pointers what might be going on. Here is the relevant (very straightforward) Python code: import win32com.client class IE: def __init__(self,url=None,vis=0,standalone=False): #Pas registerwaardes aan voor het printen: if not standalone: self.regOld=self.getRegValues() self.setRegValues ({'margin_left':'0.00000','margin_right':'0.00000','footer':'','header':''}) #Start instantie van IE op: ('InternetExplorer.Application') = vis if url!=None: and the class furthermore implements some methods to open & print some HTML-file. Unfortunately I only have a screenshot of the error: Thanks in advance for your thoughts, Kees --