Peng Yu wrote:
There are some assertion code (testing if a condition is false, if it
is false, raise an Error object) in my python, which is useful when I
test my package.  But such case would never occur when in the produce
code. If I keep them in if statement, it will take some runtime. I'm
wondering what is the practice that take care of the assertion code in
Would never occur ? You can't use 'would' and 'never' in the same sentence. That is the kind of concect that make (to me) asserts diffcult to use. I personally never use asserts in python, cause I will end up handling with asserts what I should in fact handle properly in what you call the production code.

Anyway that does not answer your question I'm sorry to be off topic, 'tis just a thought. Simon gave you the proper answer.


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