Nick Mellor a écrit :
Hi all,

I'm contemplating setting up a Python-powered website for the tourist
industry, which will involve a web service, a good deal of XML
processing, and a Django-powered front-end. If the project works, it
could get a lot of traffic. I'm sure it can be done, but I'm looking
to find out more about how existing high-volume Python sites have
managed their workload. Can anyone give me examples of high-volume
Python-powered websites, if possible with some idea of their

youtube once used quite a lot of Python IIRC. You may be able to find relevant infos on the net.

While I may disagree with Kutlu on some points[1], it's clear that the key to handling huge traffic is the ability to scale up. So better to avoid solutions that make it hard - or impossible - to setup load balancing, replication etc. Now that doesn't mean than decent performance and reasonnable memory usage are not a concern - even a simple website with moderate traffic can become a PITA if you choose the wrong tools / architecture (Plone perfs problems anyone ?).

Anyway : just make sure your solution is both simple enough to avoid becoming a resource-eater yet serious enough to allow for fine-grained caching, load-balancing and the like.

[1] like reinventing your own framework - whatever architecture (including non-blocking IO/event-based server like Twisted) you settle on, chances are most of the grunt work has already been done, and probably better than what you could come with in a reasonable amount of time - unless you have a really BIG budget of course.

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