"rbt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
| The below script produces a '[Errno 9] Bad File Descriptor' when
| executed. If I remove the try: except: statements, the script stops when
| the error occurs.
| The purpose of the script is to monitor the size of the three main logs
| on a Windows 2003 server and send and email should any of the logs get
| shorter. It works fine... just don't know *why* it produces the '[Errno
| 9] Bad File Descriptor' error.
| I'm running Python 2.4.1 on Windows 2003 SP1 Server with no funky win32
| extensions ;)
| logs = ['AppEvent.Evt', 'SecEvent.Evt', 'SysEvent.Evt']
| app_size = 0
| sec_size = 0
| sys_size = 0
| def send_email(LogName, old_size, new_size):
|     f = "Somebody<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
|     t = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
|     msg = MIMEText("""old_size = %d, new_size = %d""" %(old_size,
| new_size))
|     msg["Subject"] = "%s Log Just Got Shorter" %LogName
|     msg["Message-id"] = email.Utils.make_msgid()
|     msg["From"] = f
|     msg["To"] = t
|     h = "smtp.vt.edu"
|     s = smtplib.SMTP(h)
|     s.sendmail(f, t, msg.as_string())
|     s.quit()
| while 1:
|     for log in logs:
|         try:
|             a = os.stat('C:\WINDOWS\System32\config\%s' %log)

Without looking at the rest of script:

Try using either escaped backslashes as in:

a = os.stat('C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\config\\%s' %log)

or a raw string (as long as it doesn't end with a single backslash) as in:

a = os.stat(r'C:\WINDOWS\System32\config\%s' %log)

or simply use forward slashes as in:

a = os.stat('C:/WINDOWS/System32/config/%s' %log)


Vincent Wehren

|             cur_size = a[6]
|             print log
|             print "cur_size", cur_size
|             if log == 'AppEvent.Evt':
|                 print "old_size", app_size, "\n"
|                 if cur_size >= app_size:
|                     app_size = cur_size
|                     time.sleep(6)
|                     continue
|                 else:
|                     send_email(log, app_size, cur_size)
|                     time.sleep(6)
|                     continue
|             elif log == 'SecEvent.Evt':
|                 print "old_size", sec_size, "\n"
|                 if cur_size >= sec_size:
|                     sec_size = cur_size
|                     time.sleep(6)
|                     continue
|                 else:
|                     send_email(log, sec_size, cur_size)
|                     time.sleep(6)
|                     continue
|             else:
|                 print "old_size", sys_size, "\n"
|                 if cur_size >= sys_size:
|                     sys_size = cur_size
|                     time.sleep(6)
|                     continue
|                 else:
|                     send_email(log, sys_size, cur_size)
|                     time.sleep(6)
|                     continue
|         except Exception, e:
|             fp7 = file('log_mon_exception.txt', 'a')
|             print >> fp7, e
|             fp7.close() 


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