On Tue, 3 May 2005 10:26:52 -0400, "Stephane Roy"

>Did someone installed and used successfully drPython on Cygwin? The
>installation requires
>wxpython. I tried many different alternatives (source, binary, etc) but so
>far the best I get is the following.
>Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "drpython.py", line 45, in ?
>    import wx, wx.stc
>  File "/lib/python2.4/Lib/site-packages/wx-2.6-msw-unicode/wx/__init__.py",
>line 42, in ?
>    from wx._core import *
>  File "/lib/python2.4/Lib/site-packages/wx-2.6-msw-unicode/wx/_core.py",
>line 4, in ?
>    import _core_
>ImportError: No module named _core_
>Thanks in advance
>Don't take life too seriously, you won't get out of it alive!

Hm, I suspect, the demo is also not working(?)

Apparantly a problem of installing wxPython.
I saw once one posting in the wxpython-user mailing list.
You could try to ask there.

Sorry for not having a better answer.

Franz Steinhäusler

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