"mk" <mrk...@gmail.com> wrote in message news:he60ha$iv...@ger.gmane.org...

>>> r=re.compile(r'(?:[a-zA-Z]:)([\\/]\w+)+')

>>> r.search(r'c:/tmp/spam/eggs').groups()

Obviously, I would like to capture all groups:
('/tmp', '/spam', '/eggs')

But it seems that re captures only the last group. Is there any way to capture all groups with repeat following it, i.e. (...)+ or (...)* ?

Even better would be:

('tmp', 'spam', 'eggs')

Yes, I know about re.split:

>>> re.split( r'(?:\w:)?[/\\]', r'c:/tmp/spam\\eggs/' )
['', 'tmp', 'spam', '', 'eggs', '']

My interest is more general in this case: how to capture many groups with a repeat?

re.findall is what you're looking for. Here's all words not followed by a colon:

import re
['tmp', 'spam', 'eggs']



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