On Saturday 14 November 2009 18:42:07 Vincent Manis wrote: > > 3. Very clearly CPython can be improved. I don't take most benchmarks > very seriously, but we know that CPython interprets bytecode, and > thus suffers relative to systems that compile into native code, and > likely to some other interpretative systems. (Lua has been > mentioned, and I recall looking at a presentation by the Lua guys on > why they chose a register rather than stack-based approach.) >
For those interested in exploring the possible performance benefits of Python on a register-based VM, there's Pynie (http://code.google.com/p/pynie/)... and there's even a JIT in the works for that (http://docs.parrot.org/parrot/1.0.0/html/docs/jit.pod.html)... ---- Rami Chowdhury "A man with a watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never sure". -- Segal's Law 408-597-7068 (US) / 07875-841-046 (UK) / 0189-245544 (BD) -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list