On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 4:33 PM, Dave Angel <da...@ieee.org> wrote: > Victor Subervi wrote: > >> Hi; >> I've determined the problem in a script is I can't open a file to write >> it: >> script = open(getpic, "w") # where getpic is already defined >> Here are the permissions: >> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4649 Nov 10 12:31 start.py >> What am I doing wrong? >> TIA, >> Victor >> >> >> > Wrong? > > 1) you don't specify the environment, python version, OS, etc. > python 2.4.3 CentOS 5.4 final
> 2) you don't show the error traceback > because there are none > 3) you don't indicate the value of getpic at the time this statement > executes > As mentioned earlier, it increments: getpic1.py getpic2.py getpic3.py getpic4.py getpic5.py > 4) you don't indicate what the current working directory is, os.getcwd() > /var/www/html/angrynates.com/stxresort/cart > 5) you don't indicate what directory the start.py is located in > ditto > 6) you don't indicate which user is executing this script (only root can > write to it) > Help me on this. All scripts are owned by root. Is it not root that is executing the script? > 7) you don't tell what the filename of the script is, specif. if it's > called start.py yes, start.py > 8) you don't say what happens if you do an open(getpic, "r"), or > os.path.isfile(getpic) > It doesn't like either of those. Goes to the except in the try. By the time you answer each of those questions, you may notice the answer to > your own question. > I wish that were so. I have written a little script that does nothing but test the line in question [open(getpic, 'w')] and that works. Here's a bigger code snippet with the entire try clause: if 14 < x < 20: # This just shows that it's a pic, not some other type of data y += 1 w += 1 try: # It does this, because I've printed 'getpic1.py' etc. getpic = "getpic" + str(w) + ".py" try: os.remove(getpic) except: pass code = """#! /usr/bin/python import cgitb; cgitb.enable() import MySQLdb import cgi import sys,os sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) from login import login def pic(): user, passwd, db, host = login() form = cgi.FieldStorage() db = MySQLdb.connect(host, user, passwd, db) cursor= db.cursor() sql = "select pic%s from products where ID=%s;" cursor.execute(sql) content = cursor.fetchone()[0] cursor.close() print content print 'Content-type: image/jpeg' print pic()""" % (str(w), str(i)) script = open(getpic, "w") # I've deleted everything below this line to the except to test script.write(code) print '<td><input type="hidden" name="%s" />\n' % str(x) os.chmod(getpic, 0755) print '<img src="%s" width="100"><br /><br /></td>\n' % (getpic) count2 += 1 except: print '<td>nope</td>' else: print '<td>%s</td>\n' % (field) x += 1 TIA, V
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