On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 7:47 PM, Ognjen Bezanov <ogn...@mailshack.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Say I have a python variable:
> a = "hello"
> Is it possible for me to get the physical address of that variable (i.e.
> where it is in RAM)?
> I know that id(a) will give me it's memory address, but the address given
> does not seem to correlate with the physical memory. Is this even possible?
> Thank you!
> Ognjen

When you use Python, program in Python and not C. What do you need the
memory location of a variable for? Python, like Java and .NET is a
higher level language. You're not supposed to worry about things like
the physical location in memory. There's probably some ugly hack using
ctypes, or just writing the code in C but I don't know enough about
Python's C API to know what it is.

FWIW, even the id(x) == address of x is only an implementation detail
of CPython. Other Python implementations don't use that scheme.

> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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