lkcl wrote:
On Nov 7, 2:20 am, "Gabriel Genellina" <> wrote:
Yes, seems to be a bug. But given the current status of imputil, it's not
likely to be fixed; certainly not in 2.5 which only gets security fixes

 well, that bug's not the only one.  the other one that i found, which
i have been specifically ordered not to report

Imputil has been deprecated and has in 3.1 and will-be in 2.7 replaced by importlib, written in Python. So reporting more bugs in imputil is rather useless noise. So either use your patched version or try shifting to the 2.7 importlib and see if it runs well enough on earlier versions.

>(that or _any_ python bugs, of which there have been several discovered in the past eight
months), will have to wait until the python developers rescind that

Without seeing documentary proof, I am dubious that you have been ordered to not properly report bugs in supported, not deprecated, modules. If really so, post reports here and interested parties can try to verify and possibly report them themselves. I, for instance, would be interested in 3.1 bugs that do not require outside resources to verify.

Terry Jan Reedy


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