John Hazen wrote:

> * [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-05-02 05:10]:
>>Any hints on level 6 ?
>>There is "zip" in the page source, "ZIp" in the
>>image data, but have no clue what to do with them
>>- tried many things :). 
> Have you found the zip file yet?
> (I did, and I still can't figure it out.  I'm wondering if there are
> comments embedded in the jpg that none of my viewers will show me.
> Hmm, maybe there's a python module that does that...  I'll play with it
> more after I sleep on it.)
> -John

Possible spoiler, so ROT13'ed:

Qvq lbh frr naq ernq gur ernqzr.gkg va gur mvc svyr?

If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood
on the shoulders of giants.  -- Isaac Newton

Roel Schroeven

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