
Is there is a way, using the Python C api, to install an exception handler that:
- will be triggered when an exception occurs
- analyze the reason of the exception
- correct the situation and try again (something like exception handling on windows where the exception handler can retrieve the registers context->faulting instruction->fix situation if needed->restart execution from the same point)

Since I will be asked: "what are you trying to achieve?", this is what I want:

func_call("hello") <- no exceptions, good code: function is defined and called properly SomeUndefinedFunction("x", "y") <- undefined function call will trigger an exception. I want my python/C exception handler to inspect the reason of the exception, if it was a call to an undefined function call then redirect the execution to a certain method, say: ExecuteByName("SomeUndefinedFunction", "x", "y")

I know if I create a small class with getattr hooked, what I want can be achieved.

But can it be done otherwise (without using a class and instead relying on exception handlers and correcting the exception)?


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