Carl Banks wrote:
On Oct 29, 9:10 pm, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@geek-
central.gen.new_zealand> wrote:
In message <>, Christian

Heimes wrote:
Lawrence D'Oliveiro schrieb:
In message <>,
Christian Heimes wrote:
On Linux and several other Unices the suffix is .so and not .pyd.
Why is that? Or conversely, why isn't it .dll under Windows?
On Windows it used to be .dll, too.
The suffix was changed to avoid issues with other dlls and name clashes.
What clashes? How come other OSes don't seem prone to the same problems?

Yeah, because who ever heard of one OS having a problem that another
OS didn't?

Windows searches for DLLs on the executable path, which always
includes the current directory.  So if you have a module called
system32.dll in your currently directory, you could be in big trouble.

Unix doesn't automatically search the current dir, doesn't use the
executable search path (libraries have their own search path, which is
not used when loading shared libs by hand), and system libraries on
Unix conventionally are prefixed by lib.  So name collisions are rare,
but even if if you have a module called in your current
directory it will not conflict with /lib/

Carl Banks

I don't believe changing the extension modifies the search order for LoadLibrary(). However, it does make a name collision much less likely, which is a "goodthing." And I'd bet that more than 50% of DLL's on a typical machine have some other extension.

As for search order, I believe it's a bit different than the one used by CMD to search for an executable. I do not think it includes the current directory, but instead includes the executable directory (which is frequently where Python.exe is located).

And I'm guessing that CPython searches down sys.path, and when it finds the module, gives a full path to LoadLibrary(), in which case the DLL search path is moot.



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