CSharpner <csharp...@gmail.com> wrote: > Here's what I /want/ to do, but don't know where to begin:
Welcome to the fun :) > - Write web services in Python (I've done plenty of this in .NET, > BTW). I'm a big fan of CherryPy: http://www.cherrypy.org/ It's very straightforward and easy to get into. > - Write plain DLLs (is that even an option in Python (I told you I was > a newb to Python, didn't I? :)) I'd recommend Cython: http://www.cython.org/ It allows you to write dlls in (a subset of) Python that are converted to and compiled in C. > - Write a web app (HTML front end, Python web services called from > JavaScript). > - Write a plain old web app with Python (no web services or Ajax, just > plain HTML & Python). Again, CherryPy, or depending on your needs one of the many, many web frameworks; I'm partial to Turbogears, but Django seems to be the most popular. For a good overview of what's out there: http://wiki.python.org/moin/WebFrameworks > - Is it possible to create a Windows client desktop GUI app with > Python? How? How 'bout a Linux GUI app? Python includes a wrapper around Tcl/Tk, which many consider to be kinda ugly by modern standards, but is cross platform and part of the stdlib (it's not always included with *nix distros by default but then it's a lot easier to make that happen during install under most package managers). PyQT, PyGtk and wxPython all have their active proponents. There are plenty of GUI libs out there: http://wiki.python.org/moin/GuiProgramming However, if you're already comfortable with HTML/CSS, I'd recommend taking a look at Pyjamas, which started as a port of the Google Web Toolkit, taking Python code and compiling it into javascript. The associated project, Pyjamas-Desktop, is a webkit-based desktop client/ widget set; so ideally you only have to write one UI and it'll run both on the web & the desktop. Pyjamas: http://pyjs.org/ Pyjamas-Desktop: http://pyjd.sourceforge.net/ > And finally, I'm not completely committed to using Windows to host my > development either. I'm willing to use Linux too (but would prefer > Windows... at least to get started, until I'm comfortable enough with > Python). Google App Engine allows you to host our app on Google servers, with a very generous free quota: http://code.google.com/appengine/ It supports Django and several other of the web frameworks. It's worth noting that it uses the non-relational BigTable at the backend, which seems to cause a lot of grief to relationally-trained minds :) Hopefully something in here is enlightening :) -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list