En Wed, 28 Oct 2009 08:05:22 -0300, Anthra Norell
<anthra.nor...@bluewin.ch> escribió:
Gabriel Genellina wrote:
En Tue, 27 Oct 2009 07:53:36 -0300, Anthra Norell
<anthra.nor...@bluewin.ch> escribió:
I am trying to upload a bunch of web pages to a hosting service.[...]
I wrote a loop that iterates through the file names and calls either
of the stor... () methods as appropriate. The loop successfully
uploads eight of some twenty files and then freezes. Ctrl-C doesn't
unlock the freeze. I have to kill the IDLE window
freezes are less predictable than it seemed in the beginning. On one
occasion it occurred after the transfer of a single file from the IDLE
command line (my_ftp_object.storlines ("STOR file_name", f). The file
did upload. So the freezes seem to occur after a successful transfer.
In this thread from last month, Sean DiZazzo shows how to add a timeout
parameter to storbinary:
Do the same with storlines and see whether it helps.
Gabriel Genellina