* Alf P. Steinbach:
Or, to whomever this concerns... ;-)
I thought it would be prudent to install 3.1.1 for Windows from scratch,
so I uninstalled everything (CPython, ActivePython), and then installed
Python 3.1.1.
In the "Advanced" option I told the installer to compile packages.
The compiler then found a few syntax errors apparently in some text
conversion test programs, and finally a message box popped up saying
that "There is a problem with this Windows Installer Package",
and the main installation dialog then reported "Python 3.1.1 installer
ended prematurely. [...] Your system has not been modified".
OK, I'll try again /without/ asking it to compile. I'm just reporting
this so that whoever needs to know knows (including maintainers and
people wanting to install this).
Hm, the installer forgot to clean up, leaving lots of files, so contrary to the
dialog's final message the system had been modified.
- Alf (now going to try this again without asking it to compile)