David M. Cooke wrote:
> "Amir  Michail" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Is there a program for editing shelve databases?
> >
> > Amir
> I doubt it. A shelf is basically just a file-based dictionary, where
> the keys must be strings, while the values can be arbitrary objects.
> An editor could handle the keys, but most likely not the values.
> If you have an editor for arbitrary objects, you could probably make
> an editor for shelfs easily enough :-)
> Do you have a specific use in mind? That would be easier to handle
> than the general case.

Such an editor could at least handle some basic types including nested
lists and dictionaries.

I've written an application that uses many shelve files.  Sometimes I
need to make a minor change to the data and don't really want to write
code just to make that change.


> --
> |>|\/|<
> |David M. Cooke
> |cookedm(at)physics(dot)mcmaster(dot)ca


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