Toff, 27.10.2009 10:14:
>                 o = open("output.txt","w")
>                 data = open(filename).read()
>                 o.write( re.sub('&(?!amp;|quot;|nbsp;|gt;|lt;|laquo;|
> raquo;|copy;|reg;|bul;|rsquo;)', '&', data) )
>                 o.close()
>                 shutil.move
> ("output.txt",filename)
>                 xml = etree.parse(filename)
>                 xml = ET.parse(filename)

Absolutely no reason to write a file here. Use ET.fromstring().

And, just to repeat my question in other words: can't you just fix the
'XML' file before hand? I.e. is it a broken XML file coming from an outside
source that you cannot control, or did you create it yourself?


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